Try iDaily and Save Time. Dates in general make up an important part of Middle Eastern cuisine, but medjools particularly are prized for. This tree has been cultivated for thousands of years for its sweet fruit–the date–which contains a single stone, and ranges in color from red to yellow when ripe, depending upon the cultivar.
Medjool dates are the fruit of the Medjool cultivar of date palm trees, scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera. I datteri medjoul sono noti per la loro morbidezza e dolcezza, per questo vengono chiamati caramelle della natura. Organic Medjool dates from a single source farmily farm in California, CA.
Sustainable eco-friendly packaging, no plastic clamshells! Fresh, never dried organic medjools are hand-picked from our family farm in Coachella, California. Une datte Medjool contient calories, 1grammes de sucre et graisses trans. Puisque les dates sont naturellement riches en glucides (1milligrammes en une seule date), elles sont une excellente source d’énergie. Les dattes Medjool sont également chargées avec de nombreuses vitamines et minéraux.
I datteri Medjool sono dolci e energetici, un vero supporto in caso di cali di energia improvvisi, e ricchi di nutrienti.